There is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.
A time to build up, a time to break down.
A time to build up, a time to break down.
A fixed length line system is the epitome of simplicity. A stick, a string and a fly. A perfect way to get someone fly fishing and
catching fish with a minimum of time spent learning the intricacies of casting
while managing long lengths of line.
What I find most interesting is it seems like for every beginner
who is smiling ear to ear as a result of catching their first fish, there is a
seasoned veteran who is also astream smiling ear to ear while fishing this very
basic set up. These well aged fishers
for the most part have long since lost count of how many hours they have spent
fishing and how many fish they have caught or lost. They have spent multiple decades amassing large
quantities of high quality tackle, yet they choose to leave it all at home and
fish with only enough equipment to fill one hand and a shirt pocket.
One reason might be that everyone enjoys catching fish. In many circumstance, there might not be a
more effective way to catch large numbers of fish than by fishing tenkara. On the other hand, to many of us old timers,
the catching part of fishing has become much less important. It’s replaced with the simple pleasure of
standing knee high in a sparkling stream, enjoying the sights and sounds of
Maybe it a momentary return to childhood, I know it is for me. My earliest fishing memories revolve around
catching small pan fish using a willow branch for a rod, and a fly I tied up using
a piece of kitchen sponge and some rubber bands. Back then, I didn’t need an expensive rod (or
any actual rod for that matter), a reel
or a vest full of flies to spend endless hours wondering what might next grab
my hook.
I find myself needing and even wanting a whole lot less
stuff as I get older. Simplicity has a
certain allure. Time spent doing
worthwhile things has become much more important to me than the urge to
entertain myself by buying things. I
find generally I’m just as happy, if not actually happier, with less stuff. It seems like that has carried over into my
time spent fishing.
I'm not really sure I totally understand it, but I know I'm not alone. I've talked to enough other old geezers to be convinced there is something to it. The one thing I do know, it feels good to be out there and find myself unconciously smiling like a little boy.
I'm not really sure I totally understand it, but I know I'm not alone. I've talked to enough other old geezers to be convinced there is something to it. The one thing I do know, it feels good to be out there and find myself unconciously smiling like a little boy.